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About Clarity New Media

At Clarity New Media, we specialize in providing clarity and focus to businesses, individuals, and organizations. Our goal is to help you launch or accelerate your business with a strategic approach built on quality and expertise.

Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best possible service and supporting you in achieving your goals. We believe in transparency and open communication, which is why we work closely with you to ensure that we understand your needs and develop solutions tailored to your specific situation.

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Christian Staller


I love to constantly update this section as it is truly a time capsule of what is, what was, what could have been and what may be. I am proud of the people that I've worked with and for. I love nothing more than to mentor and coach others to be the best they are capable of. At this stage in my life and career, I am most interested in who I can help and how I can serve others. Kindness in leadership leads to happy teams.

Looking back, I have been fortunate to work for many diverse organizations, as well as having started several different companies ranging from consulting services to wine importing and distributing, to a very successful consumer electronics venture, to a pet-based CBD family business and a professional services organization hyper-focused on critical data and financial analysis. Most recently, I was very fortunate to be entrusted as the CEO for BoxoUSA - a premium tool company catering to the enthusiast in the Motorsports, Motosports, Powersports, and Marine industries. If it goes fast or gets dirty, they have a tool solution for you.

My skill set can best be described as a jack-of-all-trades, and a master of many of them. I have been an Owner/Operator, CEO, COO, EVP, Business Development Manager, Corporate Restructing and Compliance Officer and a Change Agent. I work in either a full-time or fractional capacity, or what ever is best for the client. Remote, location dependent or hybrid is all fine with me. I am an engineer by trade who is comfortable at the engineering, product marketing, operations or at the corporate financial level.

I’ve served commercial entities across the globe as well as non-profits. I’ve worked as a field technician, designer and programmer, all the way to the CEO and President. Most importantly, I have spoken into and received much wisdom from many of my peers, mentors, line workers and everyday people...from the salt mines on the Great Lakes, to New York City, to Central Europe and Asia.

How can I serve you? God bless...

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